Goodbye Southern Hemisphere

October 30-November 1, 2007
Days 762-764

Shortly after I left Quito, I crossed the equator for the last time on my trip. The vast majority of my trip so far had been spent in the southern hemisphere, but it was time to move on to the north on my continual trip home. I'm really going to miss seeing the toilets flush clockwise.

I ended up in Otavalo, a small city in the far north of Ecuador. Otavalo is famous for its market, but I didn't see what all the hype was about. People were selling their fruits, vegetables, meat, and household goods in the streets, but it wasn't very different from the dozens of other markets I've seen in South America. Supposedly the best market day is Saturday, but still, Otavalo's market was less than a tenth the size of the one in El Alto, Bolivia on a weekday. There were some outdoors activities to do in the area, but the constant rain turned me off from it all. With rainy season almost in full swing, it was definitely time to go to Colombia.

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