January 10, 2006
Day 104
The waterfall
One thing I've learned about Patagonia is how unpredictable the weather is here. Yesterday was nearly perfect. It was warm, sunny, and calm all day. Today, on the other hand, was cold, windy and rainy. I wanted to camp tonight, but that would've been ill-advised given the current conditions.
I didn't mind waiting a day to see if the weather would improve, but Jenny no longer wanted to camp. She went on the first part of our trek (the trek looks like an 'H' and she went on the right leg) to Laguna de los Tres today, and will return to the hostel tonight. Then she'll do the second part of the trek tomorrow (the left leg of the 'H'), skip the middle, and head to south to El Calafate either tomorrow night or the next morning. I'm going to wait until tomorrow and try to camp on my own. We'll probably still be able to meet up again in El Calafate in a few days.
After some asking around, I found out that there was a waterfall nearby that would make a good short trek today before going on a longer one tomorrow. I walked about an hour out of town past gloomy forest while enduring strong winds and some rain to reach the waterfall. It wasn't too big, but it was formed perfectly, at least I thought so with my limited knowledge of waterfall shapes. I ate lunch and admired the area for awhile, then returned to the hostel.
In the afternoon, I worked on my blog. I can't update it from here because the only Internet connection in town is via satellite, so it's slow and expensive. Of course, that's only true when it's working, which today it wasn't. This area is going to be troublesome for me to keep my blog up-to-date online. I can always use my laptop to write it, but uploading it is the problem. Sorry, but you might not hear for me for a week or more at a time because of this issue.
The photo album for this entry is here.