A Slow Weekend

March 11/12, 2006
Day 164,165

Not a whole lot of interesting things happened this weekend. I was out really late on Friday night, so I got a late start on Saturday. I did a lot more walking around the city, but I had run out of things in the area that interested me. It was time for me to head out. On Saturday night, I walked around and asked some locals where some of the good clubs were. They pointed in a general direction, but said that it was too early to go there. It was 2:00 in the morning! I ended up going to bed "early" before the night really picked up.

When I got up at 10:00 on Sunday morning, the club across the street was still going. Finally at around 10:30, the last few stragglers walked out of the club and took off on their motorcycles. There is virtually nothing to do here on Sundays other than sit around at expensive restaurants or drink mate in the parks. Amazed by the emptiness of the streets that had been completely packed all week, all I could find to do was surf the Internet and hang out at my hostel. I took off at 8:00 for a 12-hour bus journey to Salta.

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