October 27, 2007
Day 759
One of the cable cars coming up.
I took a walk today for about forty-five minutes uphill to the edge of town where the Teleferico line began. The gigantic ski lift-like contraption took people over 1500 meters above the city to a hill over 4000 high to what was supposed to be a great viewpoint of the city. The main problem was that it was slightly cloudy, so I couldn't see very far, but the Teleferico also went so high that the people below didn't even look like ants anymore. They looked more like molecules. I think Quito wanted to copy Rio de Janeiro when they built the lift, but they overdid it a little bit.
Tonight I met up with Leigh again and we went to an 80's dance club. Leigh walked past the bouncer, but when he saw me, he looked me up and down and said, "Hey man, you can't come in here dressed like that. I mean, just look at your shoes." My shoes? Yes, they were black hiking boots, but I had just polished them by hand before going out for the night. I looked around at the other patrons, and they all were wearing jeans and t-shirts, but had nice shoes. I could have walked into there completely naked but worn a pair of wingtips and gotten in no problem. My shoes weren't welcome in the club, so we went back to the hostel disappointed and played some cards with the other backpacker trash who were equally unenthusiastic about going out in Quito.
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