The island is home to at least three large snakes.
Doorway secrets.
The boat house.
The water tower.
A big spider.
An island cemetery.
The forest.
The Lighthouse.
This is the northernmost point on Rock Island, 122 feet above Lake Michigan. It was built in 1858. Prior to that, this was the location of Wisconsin's first lighthouse, built in 1836.
Walking along the rocky shore.
15-foot cliffs lined the shore.
The tree roots are likely all that holds together some of the rocks.
The cliffs along the lake.
Katie walking along the shore.
Katie and I.
Time for a shot of bitters at Nelsen's.
The guy who started this bar was able to stay open during Prohibition.
He got a license to sell 'bitters' as a medicinal tonic even though it was 90-proof. Nelsen's is the longest-running legally-open bar in Wisconsin.