A Black and white version of most of these photos is included in the print edition. They are not in the e-book, so I have added them here for your enjoyment.

Sitting on top of the world.
Roraima, Venezuela.

One of thousands of crystals on Roraima.

Craig demonstrates the cold-water "Jacuzzi" on Roraima.

Looking out over the world, from Roraima, Venezuela.

My first time hitchhiking on a Bedford in Guyana.

We needed a snack, so we cooked our cashews in the road.
Don't worry, there's no traffic here.

The drinking water system of Surama, Guyana.

Chris tries to free his Bedford from the mud.

Smokey shows off the fish he caught.

Fuel jugs.

Craig crosses a "bridge" to the back dam.

White Man's Camp.

Diggin' for gold.


A cool house in Mahdia.