Red River Gorge

Picture of climber.

Some climber showing off on an overhang.

I took a trip with the Hoofers Mountaineering Club to Red River Gorge in Kentucky. I had been wanting to go climbing there for a long time, but never seemed to find the time. But now with no job, why not?

We drove overnight and set up camp at the famous Miguel's Pizza at 7:00 AM. Hundreds of climbers stay Miguel's on a typical weekend night, and at $2 per person per night, it's easy to see why. Their pizza is pretty good, too.

We spent three days climbing at many different place in the gorge, including lots of overhangy stuff, slabs, and cracks. In fact, there's great routes set up for sport climbing all over the place. I think toward the end, I gave myself the extra push I needed to improve my climbing skills. And now I can't wait to get back.

Many more photos from the Red.

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