February 25, 2007
Day 515
Daniela, Edvania, and Lara on top of the hill.
The four of us took off in Daniela's car today and drove through a few towns near Guaramiranga. They were all nice little places with lots of people hanging around without a care in the world. Our first stop was at a church at the top of a hill overlooking Guaramiranga. It was nice but I've seen a million churches in South America already.
Later we drove up and down a series of hills to another town in the area. From there, we went up a steep hill that was almost too much for Daniela's 1-liter Fiat. We inched our way to the top and were rewarded with a great view of the hillside. A lot of other people from Fortaleza were at the top, and Daniela happened to know one group of them from her work. They chatted for awhile and talked about what a small world it was.
We relaxed a for a few hours this afternoon at the campsite. Every inch of the hotel's walls was covered with paintings from the area. The visual over-stimulation hurt my brain so I went outside. The owner had quite a few pets running around, most notably some swans and peacocks. There were also many flowers, a river, and some nice walkways on the grounds. The owner claimed there were two hundred tents set up in his yard for Carnaval last week, which sounded ridiculous given how great of shape everything was currently in.
We drove back to the city as it was getting dark. The trip was a short one, but a much-needed break especially for Daniela, who spends most of her time at the hospital.
The photo album for this entry is here.