Grandfather and grandchild, at the Fu Ling weekly market.
Take Fu Ling, for example. Once a week, the people of this southern Chinese village get together to sell their wares in a market. Local produce, as well as household goods, are sold under one roof. For me, the Fu Ling market offered a great look into a way of life that is in slow decline. Given that the average age of salespeople in Fu Ling was north of fifty, I doubt this market will exist in thirty years. But for now, it is still thriving.
The outdoor section of the Fu Ling market.
A salesman of food and cookery makes his pitch.
A chicken salesperson moves her stock.
Daikon (大根, literally "big root") is a type of Chinese radish.
Many greens for sale.
Tarps protect against frequent rain.
Cassava root.
I'm not sure what this vegetable is called.
Spices for sale.
I love the craftsmanship that still exists among the older generation in China. This guy is hand-carving handles for his hoes. I doubt you'll see this kind of thing for much longer.
Knives and files for sale.