A New Perspective on St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg: Picture of Natalya and Dan.

After a free walking tour of St. Petersburg.

Natalya works for a company called United Tours Russia, giving free walking tours of St. Petersburg. We talked about life in Russia, her time living in Egypt, and travel in Cuba.

Bonus: I also tell the story of my attempt to visit Vladimir Lenin's mausoleum in Moscow.

Note: Since recording this podcast, I've been paying more attention to the way strangers in Russia interact with me. In fact, many of them do smile, but not in a bright “Hi, how are you!” way like you would see in the United States. This subdued, slightly cautious attitude is growing on me. It seems much more authentic than the over-the-top greetings I'm used to getting from people I've never met.

Maybe I'll talk more about this subject more as I travel through the world's largest country. But for now, please enjoy this week's podcast:

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Show notes:

Manzhouli, China is home to the world's largest matryoshka doll. You can read more about my time visiting this unique part of the world here.

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