A ger is essential to nomadic life in Mongolia.
You can find more info about the Mongol Ujin Tourist Camp on TripAdvisor, Facebook, and AirBnB.
And now, please enjoy this special podcast:
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Show notes:
- In Thailand it's the year 2560 BE. In Israel it's the year 5777. In North Korea it's Juche year 106. In Mongolia it's the year 2017.
- Ulaanbaatar has a storied history dating back to 1639. For more info click here.
- Here's an interesting article about Mongolia's reindeer hunters, and their threatened way of life.
- Once again, you can find the Mongol Ujin Tourist Camp at the following locations:
And here are a few photos from this episode:
This is the ger we stayed in.
Inside our ger.
Looking out the window from the lodge.
The yellow forest.
Katie and Lane Changer.
Day 1: Our campsite.
Day 2: Snow!
Our first view of the Lake Khuvsgul from the pass.
Camping next to an abandoned cabin.
Inside the warm and cozy cabin.
Me and our guide.
Our colorful campsite on our last night.
The lake's water is incredibly blue, yet also totally clear.
Before heading back to the big city: Time to build a September snowman!
For more of my photos from this corner of Mongolia, click here.