Cycle Touring and Digital Nomadism with Ryan Sinn

Cycle touring: Picture of Ryan Sinn and his bicycle.

Ryan is ready to go cycle touring.

My guest today is Ryan Sinn. He's a digital nomad who's into travel and cycle touring, and he has a unique and interesting worldview. I had a great time chatting with him, and I hope you'll enjoy our conversation.

Information about Ryan's cycle touring can be found at

Ryan also maintains, which contains a blog with technical information.

And now for today's podcast:

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Show Notes:

  • Ryan and I discussed the hospitality websites Warm Showers and Couch Surfing. I've never used the former, but the latter is a big part of my life.
  • Another website Ryan mentioned was Physical Address, which allows you to manage your mail from anywhere in the world.
  • You can bring your bicycle onto an Amtrak train. The company has an article with more details. The cost depends on the train and the type of bike you'd like to take aboard.
  • Due to the requirement for extensive human labor, grass lawns were originally the playgrounds of the wealthy, as you can read about here.
  • Ryan mentioned the book The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs.
  • A few years back, our mutual friend Joe Waltz built an intentional community called Dreamland in south Minneapolis, but he was forced to disband the community by the local government because more than three unrelated adults were living together. This is an older article, but it still begs the question: Is it really the government's job to tell you who you're allowed to live with? How can you possibly claim to live in the “Land of the Free” when laws like this still exist in municipalities throughout the country?
  • The Laurentian Divide is where the direction of water flow from eastern and southern Canada is divided with that of the northern Midwestern United States.
  • We talked briefly about the bizarre technical glitch that resulted in the unleashing of angry mobs upon a poor farmer's house in Nebraska. Here's the full story.
  • Speaking of special geographical markers, one of the planet's four exact center points of latitude and longitude lies in Poniatowski, Wisconsin. There is a marker in the ground, and in nearby Wausau you can even get a coin to commemorate your visit.
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