Beijing Bowl 2016, Ultimate Frisbee at its Finest

Beijing Bowl -- Picture of Big Brother.

Big Brother, tournament host.

I recently had the opportunity to photograph the Beijing Bowl Ultimate Frisbee tournament. It was an exciting weekend, with many good teams vying for the coveted championship trophy.

Check out this cool highlight video by Hannah, the tournament's organizer:

For more info about Ultimate Frisbee in Beijing, you can check out

Though I haven't played Ultimate in many years, I was still happy to live my past glories by taking pictures of hucks, D's and layouts. Here are a few photos, out of over 2400 that I took at the event:

Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl Beijing Bowl
Beijing Bowl -- Picture of stage.

Check out that awesome poster, courtesy of Peter Behr.

Beijing Bowl -- Picture of LGW.

Congratulations to LGW, the 2016 Beijing Bowl champions!

Want more? Here's the complete photo set. Enjoy!

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